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Btcache in Kolkata. ISP's offering high download speeds

Written By WBlogger [TopKolkata.Com] on 20 April, 2012 | 8:03 AM | 1 Comment

          Now a days everyone using Alliance Broadband or Pacenet Meghbela broadband are experiencing download speeds they never imagined. Users of this two ISP's are downloading a 1GB movie in 5 to 10 minutes. They almost forgot the days when it took almost 4-5 days to download a 700MB movie. Alliance Broadband & Meghbela Boradband the two pioneer broadband services in Kolkata are offering their users the high speed download, of which all of their users got addicted to. This is the bless of the btcache project which they implemented. The project was invented by Bulgaria, a country which was referred as a country with least download speed. They invented this btcache project and now they are the 3rd place holder in the ranking of top download speed offered by any country.
What is this btcache project?
          As we said that btcache (BitTorrent Caching suite) project was invented by Bulgaria to fight their low download speeds. As the inventors said in Google project hosting

The idea is to install one part of this software somewhere on the network where it is able to passively collect chunks of BitTorrent data passing by using for example port mirroring, passive optical tap, or transparent bridge.
It does not participate in the conversation and only needs to see one side of the TCP stream. It follows the BitTorrent protocols but obviously cannot read into encrypted packets. It can snoop into PPP/L2TP encapsulated payloads.
It will fill up a big storage array with all the pieces it sees, and will also note the ip/port/infohash of all new handshakes it sees.
A second component can then connect back to whichever of the machines it chooses (i.e. your own customers) and offer whichever pieces you have unsolicited.
The first component is written and able to process up to ~800Mbps @ ~200,000pps using ~15% of a Xeon 2.4Ghz CPU.
The rest is to be completed.
It's all very alpha-quality at the moment..
          The main matter of this project is that it runs on a peering model. It means uncapped download speed from any local peer. Every ISP has their data plans with speed limits, but on btcache project this speed limit can be bypassed. Wishnet was first to introduce this plan in Kolkata after that Alliance Broadband & then Meghbela Broadband followed them. Though Wishnet has depreciated this project but the latter two are continuing this. So what happens actually on this btcache. We tried to contact Alliance Broadband but got no response form them. Here we try to demonstrate about the project as we think it could be,
          Suppose you are downloading a movie from by UTorrent. And you are the first downloader of the movie in your ISP's local network (means your ISP uses the IP addresses in your area from 198.120.xxx.x to 198.120.xxx.x). Then while downloading you will see in the Torrent client that in the peer list a peer with the ID btcache/xx-xx-xx-xx (it refers to some digits, may be the version of the source code). And you will see that while you;re downloading the file in your normal downloading speed you are simultaneously uplading the file to the btcache peer. This peer is nothing but a Central server located on your ISP's main server office. It is server with very high capacity (may be 5PB storage) and having a high capacity LAN port capacity. So the main thing is being done here is that the file you downloading via your torrent client for first time is automatically being stored in that high capacity server placed by your ISP. And this btcache peer will be added automatically whether it is a private torrent or public.
Peer uploading the file to you >> You're uploading the file to the central server
          Now the file is stored on the server. The very next day another user of your ISP is going to download the file. Else take it as many other users in your ISP are just started downloading the same file you downloaded & uploaded in the ISP's server. Now here is the place where the reason of huge speed lies.Whenever the other user tries to download the file he depends less on the peers other than his ISP's and depends most on the Central btcache peer. Now as peer the internet cable capacity & the central server's port capacity everyone downloads the file at a huge speed (may go high as 1+Mbps). This just the same thing you used to do when you shared any file with your friend in your LAN with the help of HFS or any other file sharing application. Here you are just directly downloading the file from the central server.
Main central server is distributing the file among its users.
          Until it was the Central server who was distributing the file among its users. Now if most of your LAN peers also seeds the torrent for a long time while everyone has downloaded the file fully the the next user who comes to download the file will mush more speed than the users got from the Central server. It may go upto 10+Mbps. Means here the user is simultaneously downloading from its Central server & his LAN peers.
Local peers along with the central server is giving the file to a single peer. May be you :)
          So this was the main story behind it. The first downloader will only get low speed but after him everyone will get an uncapped speed. And moreover if all downloaders in your LAn continues seeding the torrents then you'll be in a fly :D. Now a days Alliance Broadband is publicizing it by naming it as a package of "peering"
Alliance plan with peering option. Peering means btcache implementation
          Meghbela Broadband also has this btcache project enabled but they did not advertised it yet. But it is been heard that the peering speed in Meghbela Broadband is higher than the Alliance's one. So Kolkata 4G is here and the btcache also. Enjoy an internet era with enormous speed :-bd
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