- I have installed a good antivirus in my PC & I update it regularly.
- I regularly clear my browsing data & temporary files to get rid of tracking cookies.
- Before using any cyber cafe PC I checked top to bottom of it to ensure that nothing fishy is there.
Phew!! You have done too much now have a Easy-chair & take a sip of cold blueberry drink while the silent keylogger installed in your PC or the cybercafe steals all you have typed while browsing.
Oh yes you have heard it right. All your username & passwords you typed while logging into your email or in to your bank account are now in capture of some other person sitting at a distant place from you. And moreover it is almost impossible to track him. Now what will you do? Exactly nothing you'll do now. The moment you get to know it all your data are gone and may be all the money in your bank are gone. Just sit & think. How will it be if all your hard earned money just go swapped mainly because of your negligence? Now you will ask "The website didn't had any virtual keyboard for typing username & password so what can I do?"
Oh yes you can do a thing. It will just take a 5minutes more. But being safe by just spending 5minutes more is the best option. Isn't it?

Start > All Programs > Accessories > Ease of Access > On-Screen keyboard.
You have to click on the alphabet or sign or the digits with the mouse. And it is movable, you can just drag it to any place in your desktop. Using this on-screen is a bit time consuming but keyboard is a great addition to the security measures to be taken while entering sensitive data. Its better to be safe than being a victim unknowingly.
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