In retaliation of
Indiashell (Indian Hackers Group) several Bangladeshi hackers group defaced many Indian websites on Saturday 11th February 2012. Delaying no time after Indiashell hacked Bangladeshi websites Many of the Bangladeshi hackers joined the club to hack Indian websites. Below was the the message posted by Indiashell on Bangladeshi websites after hacking;
The Tri-Colored eye was their logo followed by a message on the websites. The hacker group consisted of hackers named "Love the Risk, Amal Landhe, Lnx Root, Silent Killer" & many more. Years back Indiashell hacked popular mp3 website Songs.PK post Mumbai attack. This time they attacked the Bangladeshi websites stating that "this is just a warning, they have holes in their security system. Their database is safe & not compromised". See the list of websites they defaced here
Bangladeshi hackers too revenge of this and hacked almost 400 websites of India which includes 30 Indian Govt. & 4 popular websites. The hacks performed by a hacker group called Bangladesh Cyber Army, another hacker named R3x0Man hacked the highest, 255 websites. JingoBD a hacker of Bangladesh hacked 45 websites & other hackers hacked 68 websites. The below message was posted by Bangladesh Cyber Army after hacking;
The list of the websites defaced are here
link1 link2 link3 link4Many of the attacks are DDoS(Distributed Denial of Service) attack. In this hacker group many hackers from Indonesia & Pakistan joined their group. As
TheHackerNews reported
"this unmeaning Cyber War most of on either side are down or under attack".We also support them cause by this attack no sides are getting any benefit nor getting any special acclamation. This is just a dirty war between the hackers of both country. We appeal all of them please stop this and make the cyber space happy & free.
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