From 1st April 2012 you have to pay more for your internet monthly bills as the servie tax for the same has been increased from
10.36% to 12.36%. Means now you have to pay an extra 2%of your base price than you paid last time. This is applicable to all the ISP's in Kolkata. This is not a rate hike by the ISP's. They have their base price same as before but it is for the Central's change in tax rate which is now 2% extra on the base price. For example if anyone used to pay
Rs. 111 (Rs. 100+ 10.36% of Rs. 100)monthly mow he have to pay Rs. 113 monthly. This Rs. 2 hike is on the base price of Rs. 100 [Rs. 100 + (12.36% of Rs.100 - 10.36% of Rs. 100)]. And this will go up according to your base price. One thing we did not understand that the local operators or the ISP's did not informed us before we went to them to pay our bills. This is the thing we did not like. Cause for example think you went to pay the bill with Rs. 111 with no extra money & there you learned that you need to pay a Rs. 2 extra. So then you need to come back again home for that Rs. 2 extra. We hoped that at least the ISP's send us a message regarding the same.
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